
How many Career Archetypes are there?

When people ask me, “How many Career Archetypes are there?” and hear me say, “Hundreds, probably thousands,” they're surprised

When my girlfriend points out different types of flowers I scratch my head. I barely know any. Sunflower, daffodil and that purple one is, “Lavender” she says smiling and helping out. Lavender is right there. Yet hidden from me until the name reveals its place.

Open an encyclopedia on plants and flowers and a few page turns later you will learn that Plant Taxonomists have mapped over 369,000 species. You would also learn that there are more, still waiting to be discovered.

When people ask me, “How many Career Archetypes are there?” and hear me say, “Hundreds, probably thousands,” they are surprised

Used to personality systems that have twelve and sixteen archetypes with titles like Magician, Warrior and Sage. These systems can be incredibly useful but lack the specificity and personalisation needed to know your true vocation. Rather than giving insight there’s a lack of ‘you’ in them. Where your vitality is missing. The lack of your sun, dwindling.

Clematis has a genus of 380 species — 380 aesthetically and ecologically similar flowers that belong to the same family. Yet each one differs from the other slightly. Small but vital details. The Clematis viticella are bell-shaped whereas Clematis vitalba has white seed heads that resemble an old man's beard. Clematis texensis grows in a scarlet colour whereas Downy Clematis has leaves covered in fine hairs. Without the proper knowledge of them you may mistake one of them for all of them.

This happens with Career Archetypes all the time.

Do you know your Career Archetype or do you know the family it belongs to?

If you’re pulled by the Career Archetype of Healer then that might be your archetype. Or it might be guiding you towards it.

The Multi-Sensory Healer, Ancestral Healer, Psychosomatic Healer and the Art Therapist Career Archetype all come from the same archetypal family. These are just four healing Career Archetypes. Like branches on a tree, they all grow from the base trunk with their own set of leaves and hanging fruit. Hundreds of branches reaching for the sky in their own way. 

Each Career Archetype requires it’s own type of nurturing – placing them in the wrong environment is like waiting for them to bloom in late spring when they’re meant for autumn

That’s why it’s crucial to understand what your path needs from you. Instead of settling for career paths that feel like watering your mother’s plants — a chore you're likely to forget — focus on tending to your own garden. Because your Career Archetype may need a completely different approach from the paths others have walked. Even if they’re related. 

There’s no need to walk a path that doesn’t say, “Yes, this one is mine, wholly and absolutely.” With thousands of Career Archetypes out-there, know that there is one that aligns to you perfectly. Matching your interests, passions, loves and soul. You can unearth it from the soil within yourself.

Make sure you enrol in our Career Archetypes Course & Community if you’re looking to choose your career path with conviction or refine your current vocation through discovering your unique career archetype.

By enrolling you’ll unlock access to our 8 week course, rituals + action items, a supportive community of vocation seekers, live monthly sessions and access to our list of 450+ Career Archetypes.

📖 What do you learn?

  • The name of your Career Archetype

  • How to identify your temptation paths

  • How to blend your multiple interests into a focused path

  • Approaches to overcome psychological hurdles

  • Steps to align your calling with earning money

  • And much more

👀 Is this for you?
This membership is for creatively or spiritually inclined people who want to find their unique vocation + career path. We’re welcoming new students each week and would love for you to join us.

P.S. Joel will message you personally and say hi when you’re inside ☕️

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